Phil Lewis

Phil Lewis
+44 (0) 2920 862647
+44 (0) 7824 440444
Associate of the National Association of Toastmasters
Phil had 30 years’ service with the University of Wales Cardiff working on cutting edge research projects, followed by 9 years with the Welsh Development Agency/ Welsh Assembly Government, specialising in New Products Development, Intellectual Property / Business development.
Having travelled the word extensively and been involved with National / International Trade Exhibitions, made many Radio/ TV appearances championing both Individuals and Small and Medium Enterprises.
After retiring Phil set up his company Sense of Occasion.
Phil is a highly regarded Toastmaster, AKA as Uncle Albert (even owns his own authentic yellow three wheeler Reliant Del-boy van) and during December he is a full time Saint Nicholas ‘Sion Corn’.
‘Welsh’ is Phil’s first language and he is an accomplished Bi- Lingual Presenter/ host as well as being an accomplished performer with an extensive network of talented musical friends. Pleased to preside over the grandest of formal occasions or partake in the humblest events.